BigSeqKit is a parallel toolkit to manipulate FASTA/Q files at scale with speed and scalability at its core. BigSeqKit takes advantage of an HPC-Big Data framework (IgnisHPC) to parallelize and optimize the commands included in seqkit. In this way, in most cases it is from tens to hundreds of times faster than other state-of-the-art tools such as seqkit, samtools and pyfastx. At the same time, our tool is easy to use and install on any kind of hardware platform (single server or cluster). Routines in BigSeqKit can be used as a bioinformatics library or from the command line. In order to improve the usability and facilitate the adoption of BigSeqKit, it implements the same command interface than seqkit.
Citation: César Piñeiro and Juan C. Pichel. BigSeqKit: a parallel Big Data toolkit to process FASTA and FASTQ files at scale. GigaScience, Vol. 12, 2023.
This package provides a simple interface to apply Perplexity filters to any text document. A possible use case for this technology could be the removal of boilerplate (sentences with a high perplexity score): ads, incomplete or noisy text and rests of the navigation structure, such as menus or navigation bars. Furthermore, it provides a rough HTML tag cleaner and a WARC and HTML bulk processor, with distributed capabilities.
Citation: Marcos Fernández-Pichel, Manuel Prada-Corral, David E. Losada, Juan C. Pichel and Pablo Gamallo. An Unsupervised Perplexity-based Method for Boilerplate Removal. Natural Language Engineering, Vol. 30, 2024.
IgnisHPC is a framework whose main objective is to unify the execution of Big Data and HPC workloads in the same computing engine. IgnisHPC has native support for multi-language applications using JVM and non-JVM-based languages. Currently it supports C, C++, Python, Go and Java. Since MPI was used as its backbone technology, IgnisHPC allows MPI applications and libraries to be directly executed in an efficient way in the framework. The main consequence is that users could combine in the same multi-language code HPC tasks (using MPI) with Big Data tasks (using MapReduce operations). The experimental evaluation demonstrates the benefits of our proposal in terms of performance and productivity with respect to other frameworks such as Spark. For example, considering a 12-node cluster with 2 × Intel Xeon E5-2630v4 (2.2Ghz, 10 cores) per node, the experimental results show that:
Application |
No. times faster than Spark |
Minebench |
3.87x [Python & C++], 1.26x [Python] |
TeraSort |
1.76x [C++], 1.35x [Python] |
K-Means |
1.94x [Python & C++] |
PageRank |
1.10x [Python] |
Transitive Closure |
1.12x [Python] |
IgnisHPC is publicly available for the Big Data and HPC research community.
Citation: César Piñeiro and Juan C. Pichel. A Unified Framework to Improve the Interoperability between HPC and Big Data Languages and Programming Models. Future Generation Computing Systems, Vol. 134, 2022.
VeryFastTree is a new tool designed for efficient phylogenetic tree inference, specifically tailored to handle massive taxonomic datasets. It is a highly-tuned implementation based on the FastTree-2 tool that takes advantage of parallelization and vectorization strategies to speed up the inference of phylogenies for huge alignments. Regarding the performance, for example, VeryFastTree (v4.0 - July 2023) is able to construct a tree on one server (two 32-core Intel Xeon Ice Lake 8352Y processors) using single precision arithmetic from an ultra-large one million taxa alignment in 36 hours, while our previous version (v3.0) and FastTree-2 require more than 5 days. That is, VeryFastTree-4.0 is more than 3x times faster than VeryFastTree-3.0 and FastTree-2, respectively.
VeryFastTree is available as a package in Bioconda, MacPorts and Debian Linux ditributions.
Citation: César Piñeiro, José M. Abuín and Juan C. Pichel. VeryFastTree: speeding up the estimation of phylogenies for large alignments through parallelization and vectorization strategies. Bioinformatics, Vol. 36, Issue 17, pages 4658-4659, 2020.
The most relevant Big Data frameworks do not support natively the Perl language. To take advantage of these Big Data engines Perl programmers should port their applications to Java or Scala, which requires a huge effort, or use utilities as Hadoop Streaming with the corresponding degradation in the performance. For this reason we introduce Perldoop2, a Big Data-oriented Perl-Java source-to-source compiler. The compiler is able to generate Java code from Perl applications for sequential execution, but also for running on clusters taking advantage of Hadoop, Spark and Storm engines.
Citation: César Piñeiro, José M. Abuín and Juan C. Pichel. Perldoop2: a Big Data-oriented source-to-source Perl-Java compiler. IEEE Int. Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing (DataCom), pp. 933-940, 2017.
PASTASpark is a tool that uses the Big Data engine Apache Spark to boost the performance of the alignment phase of PASTA (Practical Alignments using SATé and TrAnsitivity). PASTASpark guarantees scalability and fault tolerance, and allows to obtain MSAs from very large datasets in reasonable time.
Citation: José M. Abuín, Tomás F. Pena and Juan C. Pichel. PASTASpark: multiple sequence alignment meets Big Data.
Bioinformatics, Vol. 33, Issue 18, pp. 2948-2950, 2017.
SparkBWA is a new tool that exploits the capabilities of a Big Data technology as Apache Spark to boost the performance of one of the most widely adopted DNA sequence aligner, the Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA).
Citation: José M. Abuín, Juan C. Pichel, Tomás F. Pena and Jorge Amigo. SparkBWA: Speeding Up the Alignment of High-Throughput DNA Sequencing Data.
PLoS ONE, Vol. 11, Issue 5, pp. 1-21, 2016.
Citation: José M. Abuín, Juan C. Pichel, Tomás F. Pena and Jorge Amigo. BigBWA: Approaching the Burrows-Wheeler Aligner to Big Data Technologies.
Bioinformatics, Vol. 31, Issue 24, pp. 4003-4005, 2015.