I am an associate professor of Applied Physics at Santiago de Compostela University (USC). My research interests are in biologically inspired computer vision. I am member a Computer Vision Group (GVA), and inside GVA, I co-direct the visual attention and object recognition research with Prof. Xosé M. Pardo.
My contact information is to the left. Email is the surest way to get hold of me. I am often not in my office to answer the phone. My office is on the Pavilion II, first floor of the Escola Politécnica Superior building, room 7. If you are not familiar with the campus, here are a campus map.
Associate Professor
Department of Applied Physics , Santiago de Compostela University.
Department of Applied Physics. Escola Politécnica Superior
Campus Universitario, s/n
27002, Lugo. (Spain).
phone:(+34) 982823239
fax: (+34) 982 285926
I am currently teaching Computer Vision, on Robotics Degree.
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela , 1996.
M.S. in Computer Vision, University of Santiago de Compostela , 1992.
B.S. in Electronic Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela , 1991.